Power of Choice was introduced in December 2017, enabling competition in metering services, creating a platform for retailers to offer competitive products and services. Under these reforms, smart meters have been progressively rolled out since December 01 2017 for customers in NSW, QLD, ACT and South Australia.
Enjoy benefits like:
- Easier control and monitoring of your energy usage: Making it easier to monitor your usage and make changes to reduce your usage
- Accurate meter reading: Yes - no more estimated reads!
- More frequent usage data: As smart meters record usage every 30 minutes, you will be able to better monitor your usage through digital interference such as websites and apps - putting the power in your hands
- Faster move ins and transfers: However, the NSW government have placed a temporary prohibition on remote connections and disconnections, causing all move ins and transfers to be completed manually until remote connections commence
How it all works....
Prior to Power of Choice, installing and maintaining meters sat with the distributors (companies who own the power lines within your area). Under the power of choice reform, retailers are now responsible for your meter installations, servicing and maintenance - we now have a metering provider who completes all of this work.
This means, OVO Energy are now responsible for all things meters (except for outages and emergencies) - we still encourage you to contact your distributors faults line in the case of an outage or fault.
When a new meter is installed or replaces an old or faulty meter it will need to be a smart digital meter. This will result in old outdated meters to be phased out and replaced over time.
As smart meters record usage every 30 minutes, you will be able to better monitor your usage through digital interference such as websites and apps.
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions relating to this:
Power of Choice is not a compulsory program and you can opt out of having a smart meter installed. If you receive a notification advising your will be receiving the upgrade roll out, you can definitely opt out.
There are scenarios where your retailer may be advised that your meter has been identified as being faulty - in this case, your meter will need to be replaced with a new smart meter
A Metering coordinator is a new role created under the power of choice program.
The Metering coordinator is an independent from retailers and distributors and are responsible for the overall metering services like reading your meter , connections installations and maintenance.
If you meter is not faulty and in good working order - you can opt out of having a smart meter installed - as the program is not compulsory.
Yes - your supply will be interrupted for a short duration during the installation unless you require alterations to the connection of supply which may require more time to complete the installation.
We will provide you with at least 4 business days notification of the interruption to your supply.
Installing or upgrading to a smart meter can take up to 15 business days from the requested date depending on the work required.
Get in touch with us below, and we will have a look into any costs that may be involved.
You do not have to be at the property unless your meter is not accessible to the meter technician.
The meter technician will need clear access to your meter to complete the smart meter installation.
Yes. Smart meters are manufactured and installed according to Australian standards. For more information visit smart meters and health.
For more information head to AER- Power of Choice implementation web page.