




OVO Logo

Power your world differently

The legal bits

Credit Reporting Policy

UPDATED ON: 27.10.2021

OVO Energy Pty Ltd’s (OVO Energy) credit reporting policy set out below outlines how OVO Energy manages your credit information as required by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act).

The ‘what’ and ‘how’

In offering and enabling services to you, OVO Energy may collect and hold credit information about you which is personal information (such as identification information, repayment history information, default information and payment information).

We may obtain credit history information from credit reporting bodies from time to time, such as Experian.

The ‘use’

In providing services to you, we may use or disclose your credit information for the following purposes:

  • Carrying out credit checks or otherwise assessing your creditworthiness;

  • To manage your account and for the payment of our services;

  • To take action if there is a payment default; or

  • Debt collection.

We will keep your credit information secure. Most credit information will be held in our customer application which is stored and processed in Australia. However, some credit information will be held electronically in our computer network.

Our staff have unique user identifications and passwords. We work to ensure that our staff understand all of their and our responsibilities under the Act.

Our physical premises are protected by reasonable security precautions. We do use some services which involve the transfer, processing and storage of some credit information outside of Australia, these are likewise protected by unique user identifications and passwords.

Experian and its related bodies corporate as well as third party providers will collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for identity verification purposes. Experian’s contact information and address are listed below:

    • Experian Australia Credit Services Pty Ltd
    • Level 6,
    • 549 St Kilda Rd
    • Melbourne
    • VIC
    • 3004
    • ACN: 150 305 838
    • ABN: 12 150 305 838
    • w:
    • t: (03) 8622 1600

Access to and correction of credit information

You may ask us for access to any credit information we hold about you. If you think that information is inaccurate or incorrect, you may ask us to consider correcting it or deleting it from OVO Energy’s database.

You can do this by sending an email to the following address:

Within 30 days, we will either make the correction and let you know what we have done or deny your request and let you know why.


If at any time you feel that we have not complied with this Policy please let us know by sending an email to the following address or write to us at:

    • OVO Energy
    • Locked Bag 14120
    • Melbourne
    • Victoria
    • 8001

We will let you know how we intend to deal with your complaint within 7 days.

Within 30 days we will let you know our decision and let you know what you can do if you are not satisfied with our decision.

The way in which we deal with general complaints is set out on our website: